MVP Mobile App Development

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Why It Make Sense to Outsource for MVP Mobile App Development

You’ve got great ideas for your startup company. Your plans are in motion, and your people are ready. But you’re missing one thing – funding. Or maybe you have funding to get your business started, but without a compelling product or service, those funds will run dry in a few months. Achieve liftoff for your startup business with a stellar website or mobile app. After all, any successful company needs one or both if it plans to compete in the industry.

leonardo dicaprio holding martini glassBut hold on! Before going full throttle, it’s important to build an MVP (Minimum Viable Product). This allows you to pitch your idea to investors and to test the product before the big launch. An MVP app or website is a workable, functioning product that is designed to impress investors and users alike. It’s essentially a sneak peek that aims to “wow” your target audience.

Not all startup owners realize the importance of an MVP. So, if you’ve landed on this page, you’re one of the lucky ones. Just like you can’t run before you can walk, the same is true for your business. It’s critical to build an MVP before you waste all your funds on a product that has glitches or is not well received by users.

To get started, you need a technology partner that shares your vision and has the experience and insight to create an MVP that looks fantastic and functions the way you want it. Sounds easy? Not so fast. There are many freelancers out there who may be happy to take on the job. However, finding one with the right resources, experience, and knowledge is tricky. We’re not knocking freelancers, but it’s really a game of chance.

The Main Reasons to Use Our Agency for Your MVP

Here’s the real problem. Most startup owners simply do not have the funds to pay for an MVP. And some web and mobile app development agencies charge exorbitant prices for to build a product. The key is finding a credible agency that will partner with you to create a functional, customized MVP at a price you can afford. There, you’ll discover a real partner. Here’s what you’ll need to look for in an MVP agency:

A Technical Partner at Your Services

Chances are – you don’t know tech. And even if you do, you probably do not specialize at app development or coding. An established web and mobile app development agency has a team of developers that knows code!   They also stay up to date with the latest advances too, which is very important because tech is always changing. With dedicated project managers who work with you to understand your vision, an MPV agency personalizes the process to make your idea a success. At the same time, they pinpoint potential problems and come up with workable and creative solutions.

green binary matrix codeWe Know Code!

Not all coders are alike. Just because they say they can code doesn’t mean they know all coding languages or do it well. In fact, they may only have an intermediate knowledge of a few. Our team has a strong knowledge of all programming languages. But even that is not enough to ensure a product is successfully launched. We also have a complete understanding of the right platforms to use, as well as UI frameworks, UX development, testing tools, and much more. This ensures a product that looks good and functions well.

Efficient & Structured Process

Organization is our strong suit. We do it by assigning a team coordinator for every project. This structured process continues throughout the creation and deployment of your MVP. From the initial consultation and planning to the final delivery, we ensure an uninterrupted and smooth progression. Communication is of the utmost importance to us. As your technical partner, we’ll remain in constant contact with you at each stage. This gives you a clear understanding of what is happening during every step of development.

Planning for the Future

Things change. Are you ready for them? As your development team, we work with you to assess the future of your website or mobile app. When new technologies arise or you have updates to your product, we adjust everything to suit your growing needs. We also adjust to any functionality issues that may arise with your product over time. In addition, we’ll offer suggestions – if you’d like – on how you can scale the product or address a problem.

finger pointing at word future

Time Is of the Essence

You want a fantastic MVP, but you have a desired time frame for completion. Our skilled developers work quickly to get it up and running. We are ready to start when you are. This is one of the things that sets us apart from a single freelancer. You won’t be depending on someone who is handling multiple projects and is limited the amount of time he or she can put into yours. Instead, our team tackles every aspect of your project, working as one to meet your timeline.

Experienced Project Managers

Bring your idea to the table and then let us bring the expertise to make it a reality. Our project managers will give you a fair estimate of the project duration, feasibility, and schedule. This allows you to earmark funds and plan accordingly. After all, as business owners ourselves, we know how important it is to test and market your product before the launch. Due to our effective project management, you’ll be able to attract investors as well.

We’re in It for the Long Haul

Once we’re finished, we don’t simply disappear from the radar. Instead, we’ll stick around with you to provide tweaks, updates, and maintenance. Or if you’d prefer, we can work with your in-house team (if you have one) and show them how we coded the website or app. That way, your team can take it from there once they are up to speed. Whatever you want, we are here to make it happen for you – whether you need us for the short term or the long haul.

Let Us Introduce Ourselves

PixelTeh started out as a team of two. We did a lot of freelancing jobs, but we were always careful to choose projects that matched our skillset. The result is that we developed and deployed exceptional products for our clients. As the years went by, we grew and grew. Now, we are a web and mobile app development agency with a team of 50 front-end, back-end, and full-stack developers. We specialize in creating MVPs that are delivered on time, on budget, and at a level of quality that is unmatched.

And this is the important part. We are affordable. There are many agencies out there that charge way too much for services. Shop around, and you’ll see what we’re talking about. Unlike freelancers – we have the expertise – and unlike in-house coders at your company – you don’t need to keep us on after the job is through unless you need us for maintenance every now and then. Schedule a free consultation with us. We’ll give you a quote and show your samples of our work.

It’s Time for a Free Consultation

Are you ready to get started with your startup? PixelTeh makes it very easy. We know you’ll be pleasantly surprised with our services and our prices. Best of all, you’ll end up with an MVP that does exactly what you want it to do. Whether you need a virtual or augmented reality app, an e-commerce website, or an investment platform, you’re in good hands with our team. That’s because we have built just about everything, and our clients are located throughout the world. So, make your MVP the best it can be. Contact PixelTeh for a free, no-obligation consultation [link to contact page] today.